
ホーム › プロジェクト › 大豆プロジェクト


豊島の土壌は「どんなものでも育つ」豊かな土壌です。 たとえば、大豆。美味しいお豆腐やお味噌になる大豆も豊島の畑でしっかり育ちます。光が燦々と降り注ぐ美しい地区「甲生」において、今年、豆腐を作るための大豆畑づくりを小規模にやってみようという企画が始まりました。

We have initiated a project to assist Rutsuko Uematsu, a Teshima Island resident, in her soybean cultivation and miso (soybean paste) production.
The fertile soil of Teshima Island is said to be suited to the cultivation of virtually any agricultural product, and soybeans are one of the crops which thrive in this rich earth. These soybeans are known for the delicious tofu and miso paste they yield, and this year we launched a project to carry out the small-scale cultivation of soybeans intended for tofu production in the beautiful, sun-drenched fields of Teshima’s Kō district.
We are looking for volunteers to help with this project on the dates listed below.
One of the most appealing aspects of this project is the opportunity to lodge at Rutsuko’s farmhouse, something that is currently being carried out on a tentative basis. An experience that is all but unknown to those who limit their time in Teshima to day trips, overnight guests will have the opportunity to enjoy a delightful evening on the island, and will surely find themselves leaving Teshima more attached to the island than ever.


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